It has been communicated by the Directorate vide Asstt Director General (Estt) letter no 16-16/2010-PAP dtd 15.02.2011 that Department of Personnel and Trainig has clarified that the spirit of OM no 31011/2/2006-Estt (A) dtd 21.05.2007 equally applies to cases of non – entitled officers who travel to Port Blair by Air on LTC and directed to restrict the air fares to entitled class of ship from Kolkata to Port Blair and back.
It is further intimated that ,the Nodal Ministry i.e Department of Personnel and Training reiterated the instruction of 21-5-2007 in their further OM 31011/2/2006- Estt (A) dtd 11-3-2010 and the claims of officers non- entitled for Air and if they perform journey by Air on a private Airline or Air India, on Leave Travel Concession to Port Blair, may be regulated as indicated below :-
i) the restriction of travel by Air India and their alliance flights applies to officers who are entitled to travel by air i.e having a grade pay of Rs.5400/- and above and that this does not apply to non-entitled officers.
ii) Non-entitled officers can travel either by Air India or private airlines but their claim is to be restricted to entitled class of ship fare from Kolkata to Port Blair and back..
iii) In case , the ship fare is more than the air fare , the lowest of the amounts spent has to be allowed as claim.