Thursday, 25 August 2011

Minutes of the meeting taken by Secretary

Minutes of the meeting taken by Secretary (Posts) with All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendent of Posts on 11.08.2011
Minutes of the meeting have been issued by the Postal Directorate vide No. 01/01/2011-SR dated 25.08.2011. A copy of the minutes is reproduced below:-
Minutes of the meeting taken by Secretary (Posts) with All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendent of Posts on 11.08.2011

Secretary (Posts) took a meeting with All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendent of Posts on 11.08.2011 to discuss the charter of demands given by the Association with their letter dated 04.07.2011. The following were present:-

           Official side                                  Staff side

Member (Personnel)                Shri Roop Chand, General Secretary 
DDG (P)                                 Shri Dinesh Khare, Preseident
DDG (Establishment)               Shri Ajit Kumar, Circle Secretary, Kerala
DDG (Recruitment &Petition)  Shri Raj Deo Prasad, C.S., Bihar
Director (SR &Legal)

The issues raised in the charter of demands were considered by the Committee and a gist of discussions thereof is as follows:
i. The Association was apprised that the proposal to revise the Grade Pay of Inspector Posts from Rs.4200 to Rs. 4600 did not find favour with the Ministry of Finance on the ground that there can not be two levels in the same hierarchy i.e., IPOs & ASPOs, drawing the same grade pay. They were further informed that the proposal could be considered only if IPO & ASPOs cadres are merged into one cadre and the gazetted status of ASPOs is foregone. The Association agreed to submit a revised proposal to be considered by the Department.

ii. A committee will be constituted to look into promotional prospects of the IPOs/ASPOs    Action -SR

iii & iv It was explained to the Association how the introduction of Postmaster’s cadre has not , in any way, adversely affected their overall promotional prospects. The Association was also told of the need to encourage meritorious candidates by bringing them on fast track promotion, which will provide stability to the PS Group B/Time Scale Cadres.

v. Supply of laptops to IPOs/ASPOs will be examined.                                   Action – Tech. Div.

vi. The Association was explained that the post of HSG-I was not a promotional post for IPOs and further HSG-I post is non gazetted whereas the post of ASPOs is gazetted . In the background of the above, the proposal could not be considered.

vii. The matter of revision of rate of remuneration for performing duty as invigilators in the Departmental examinations is under process.                                                       Action – DDG (Rectt. & Pett.)

viii. The staff side was explained that the proposal regarding promotion earned through examination not to be considered while granting MACP was not in line with this scheme and therefore could not be considered.

ix. The demand of the staff side to hold periodical meeting at regular intervals was accepted.  Action – SR

The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.

All the CHQ Office bearers / Circle Secretaries / Members of the Association  are requested to kindly go through the minutes and offer their views to the CHQ through Email / letter so that further action could be taken by the CHQ in the larger interest of the Inspector, Posts cadre.  

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Allotment of Surplus Qualified IP candidates of IP Examination – 2009

Allotment of Surplus Qualified IP candidates of IP Examination – 2009      Vide D’te memo no  A-34013/01/2010-DE(Pt.I) dated 09.08.2011.
             __________________  X ___________________
Sl No
Name of the candidate
Present circle allotted
Revised allotment
Bikash Roy
West Bengal
Jagannath Chatterjee
Uttar pradesh
West Bengal
Gautam Dey
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal
Sanjeev Roy
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal
Ms Srabani Basak
West Bengal
West Bengal
Ananda D. Mandal
West Bengal
Sanjay Bhattacharjee
West Bengal
Tapan Barik
West Bengal
Raju Pal Chowdhury
West Bengal
Bikash Ghosh
West Bengal
Sudeep Mandal
North East
West Bengal
Barnali Majumder
West Bengal
Koushik Jana
West Bengal
Pankaj Kr Saha
North East
West Bengal
Shib Sankar pal
North East
West Bengal
S. Gangopadhyay
North East
West Bengal
Pankaj Kr Samanta
North East
West Bengal
Sushil Dolui
North East
West Bengal
Smt Seema Guha
West Bengal
West Bengal
Sanjay Mandal
North East
West Bengal
Durgesh Prasad  (WB)

West Bengal
M . Balasubramanian (TN)

West Bengal

Monday, 8 August 2011

Sub: Temporary officiating promotion/allotment/transfer/posting in PS Gr-B cadre.

Memo No: SFA/P-11/XXV/L dated 05.08.11
Sub: Temporary officiating promotion/allotment/transfer/posting in PS Gr-B cadre.
The following orders of the competent authority regarding temporary & officiating promotion/transfer/posting/allotment of ASPOs to PS Gr-B cadre for a maximum period of 11 months or till regular incumbent joins whichever is earlier are issued to have immediate effect.
Name of the officer Sri/Smt
Debabrata Bhattacharya
ASP(HQ),North Kolkata Dvn
Kolkata Region
Vice vacant post of DDPO,Kolkata GPO
Amar Ch Majumder
ASP parcel Stg/2 Kol RMS Dvn
SB Region
Vice Sri D.N.Prasad ,Sr PM,Serampore HO promoted to JTS Gr A
Debkanti Dasgupta
ASP,North Stg,KOL RMS Dvn
HQ Regn & posted as Supdt,CSD
Vice Sri B.Das promoted to JTS Gr A
Sukumar Roy
Kolkata Region
Vice vacant post of Sr PM,Alipore HPO